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The Watermark Creator App is a free tool that can easily add watermark to images and documents. It is designed to protect the copyright of digital content by preventing unauthorized reuse or modifications. Watermarks are typically used to indicate authorship or document state such as draft or confidential. The app supports various file formats, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, and can be accessed directly from a web browser regardless of the device’s operating system
Watermarks originated centuries ago as identification marks applied during the papermaking process. Wet paper was stamped with a seal or symbol, which caused the marked area to become thinner than the surrounding paper, creating a watermark. When the paper was dry and held up to the light, the watermark would be visible. This process was later used to prevent forgery and verify the authenticity of official documents, money, stamps, and other items.
In the past, media was created using physical materials, but nowadays image, sound, and video files are made up of zeros & ones. To identify these files, digital watermarks are used, which consist of additional numbers in various formats that are injected into the media files. There are two types of watermarks used for documents & photos; visible and invisible. Visible watermarks can be seen on the images and documents, while invisible watermarks are hidden within the data of the file.
Watermarking your images can provide several benefits, including protecting your copyright by visually representing ownership of an image and serving as evidence of ownership if someone uses it without permission. Additionally, a watermark can credit you as the creator of the image if it is shared on social media or other websites. Watermarking can also deter misuse and inappropriate use of your images and protect against image theft, making it more difficult for others to steal and pass off your work as their own.
Watermarking refers to the process of adding a visible or invisible image, text, or logo to a digital document, such as a PDF, to indicate ownership, authenticity, or other information about the document. Watermarks can be used to deter plagiarism or unauthorized distribution of digital content, to identify the source of a document, or to provide additional information about the document’s content or status.