Discover Conholdate.Total API’s powerful file comparison capabilities. Detect differences in documents at various levels, apply/reject changes, and export output documents. Detailed comparison at paragraphs, words, and characters levels, identifying styling and formatting changes like bold, italic, underlines, strike-throughs, font types, etc.
Download Free TrialConholdate.Total is a robust cross-platform library empowering your applications with the ability to compare and merge files of various formats. The compiled file displays a line-by-line difference in content, paragraphs, characters, styles, shapes, and positions.
Detect differences between source and target files for changes at paragraphs, words, and characters levels. Identify styling and formatting changes like bold, italic, underlines, strike-throughs, font types, etc.
Apply or reject every difference between compared documents and export to the output document.
Obtain basic information about source documents - file type, size, page count, etc. Use this to generate previews of compared documents.
Save a differences summary report listing all changes in compared documents after the comparison process is complete.
Detect changes in different document parts and blocks:
Highlight detected changes with different colors:
Customize the changes styling scheme using different formatting - italic, bold, underlined, strike-through, etc.
Conholdate.Total is a powerful cross-platform library allowing you to implement in your applications the ability to compare and merge two or more files of various formats. The compiled file shows a line-by-line difference in content, paragraphs, characters, styles, shapes, and positions.
Certainly! Try out the file comparison process without writing code on our Document Comparison App page.
Conholdate.Total supports a wide range of document formats for comparison, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and various image formats.
Yes, customize the appearance of detected changes, including styling, colors, and formatting, to suit your preferences.
Yes, after the comparison process, save a differences summary report listing all changes in compared documents.